Point of View

I am reading that women support Kamala Harris. Let’s look closer at the choice vs. Donald Trump.

Let’s dig a little deeper than the biased, supportive press have done.

Let me start by asking “How can a woman even consider Kamala Harris as President of the United States”. Considering that she was an appointed, non-elected, candidate for the Democrat Party, and not elected by the party public, it is fair to make comparisons that might have come up in a primary.

Point of View

🤔 Kamala Harris has failed women as the first woman Vice President. Harris lacks accomplishment during her 4 year term. Rather, she has been destructive and manipulative in all key areas of fact important to women:

● Women’s health

● Economic issues

● Social issues

● Identity

Instead of campaigning on accomplishments, her main pitch is ‘I’m not Trump; and he’s responsible for everything that has gone wrong’.

🙂 Donald Trump has a positive track record as 45th President and had highest re-election vote count of any president seeking a second term. In addition, he fought hard for the GOP nomination and won the primary against a field of tough challengers…even during the Dem lawfare attacks.

🙂 Donald Trump is a uniter, and brought the country together under a positive theme of Make America Great Again. He surrounds himself with top talent.

🤔 Harris has used identity politics and racism to divide America and weaken our world prestige.

🙂 Donald Trump had helped women economically during his administration.

🙂 Trump policies are generally better for both families and women in business. He is a business friendly presidential candidate who understands the American Dream because he lived it…and supported it during his first term.

🙂 Donald Trump is a family man, which is reflected by all of his children and First Lady Melania. He sets a great example as a father. Family central to America’s success as a country. His daughters and granddaughters have grown to take responsibility and pursue excellence in their lives.

🙂 Trump committed to empowering women in US and around the world. In 2019, the Trump administration launched the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity (W-GDP) initiative with $50 million continuing efforts to fund and support women’s entrepreneurship and access to capital, markets, technical assistance, and mentorship; and working to identify and reduce the policy, legal, and regulatory barriers to women’s participation in the global economy and promote improved practices.


🙂 Under Trump, the Abraham Accords were creating peace in the Middle East, along with establishing the US Embassy in Jerusalem. US sanctions on Iran controlled the financial support for terrorism.

🤔 Harris blew up the Abraham Accords and the sanctions against Iran, the largest sponsor of terrorism which kills women. The result has been war action in Gaza with Hamas, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Yemen, and blockage of oil transportation through the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. All this leading to Iran launching major missile attacks against Israeli citizens…and creating a threat of an unthinkable World War III. Even attempted assassinations of Netanyahu and Trump. Do women support this? No! But Harris has not stood up against Iran. She did the opposite by shifting State Department, Administration, and Military support to favor Iran which no one can understand.

🤔 Harris has only made empty promises and lied about many things, including her childhood and Joe Biden’s mental decline…supported by corrupt media in which people have lost faith.

🤔 People have come to distrust her. Her promises for the United States only lead to socialism, communism, and an unrealistic economic plan.

🤔 Harris has done nothing but lip service for women, and less for minority women by open border policy taking jobs from US citizens…single mothers; and, linking every policy to unrelated causes like ‘climate change’. This was done in order to push money to the “climate industrial complex”, harmful DEI initistives, and woke agenda NGO’s.

🤔 Bidenomics, supported by Harris by votes in the Senate, has hurt young women with careers, making daily life more expensive and the American Dream harder to achieve. Clever, but falsely named bills like “Inflation Reduction Act”, had the effect of higher cost of living for young working women. Skyrocketing cost under Harris inflation while she pandered to wealthy elitists enjoying the benefits of price increases and government spending.

🤔 During Covid, millions of nurses and other working women were mandated to take an experimental mRNA (DNA therapy) drug that was known to damage women’s health …including impacting ovaries…or lose their jobs and income.

🤔 Surge in crime has hurt moms in inner cities because of gangs, drugs, peer pressure from foreign immigrants, and initiations surging in neighborhoods….while police protection has been hampered by George Soros supported District Attorneys and fake “justice reform” that let criminals back on streets immediately after being arrested.

🤔 Women are being raped, violently murdered, and targeted by an estimated 20 million immigrants that Kamala Harris invited into the country to invade it. Many are military age men. Over a million with criminal records and mental mental health problems. This also includes heavily armed prison gangs now taking over apartment buildings by force in major US cities.

🤔 Sex trafficking and prostitution of women has surged in the United States now making it the largest sex trafficking country in the world.

😝 Harris supports Hamas. Any woman who supports the barbaric slaughter of women…and rape of women, is a disgrace to all women of color or not.

🤔 Thousands of children have disappeared. Where is the outrage by Harris for these missing girls and boys. She created the problem, and is silent. Not a single word or action about these children.

🤔 Immigrant women are bound into slavery by migrant traffickers and cartels, including rape tents before arriving in US.

🤔 Harris has chosen to politically support Iran and Sharia Law rather than rule of law under the US Constitution. Fundamental to Sharia Law is that women are second class with no rights.

🤔 Harris has manipulatively lied about abortion, which is available by laws in most states. There is no federal law restricting abortion. It is a manipulative fake issue.

🤔 To Harris, “transgender” is a more important value for policy than pride in a young girl’s birth gender. Even selecting Tim Walz as her Vice President running mate reveals odd values because as Governor, he supported laws in Minnesota to eliminate parental awareness or consent requirement for mutilation medical surgery…and weirdly put tampons in boys bathrooms.

🤔 Harris has not supported women’s sports as exclusively for women competitors.

🤔 Think about the American women Harris left behind during hasty exit from Afghanistan.

🤔 Think about the Ukrainian women…mothers and little girls …killed by Russian bombs and invaders….an invasion that could have been avoided by a stronger Trump.

😀 The US is returning to traditional values. Social media shows that women are switching to Donald Trump. For example, the NYPOST reported that TikTok is telling the real story of America’s female voters in 2024. Some women say it’s because they can’t tolerate the Democrat party lies. Others say it’s because of Donald Trump-JD Vance support of family values. This significant paradigm shift by a growing number of women is not being reported by major media.

Point of View

Finally, Harris repeatedly says “I can’t think of anything I would do differently”…so why would any woman, other than Whoopie Goldberg, vote for her?

In Sumary

Point of View
President Trump and his wife Melania Trump

A response to this article was sent to an AI app to test its content, Artificial Intelligence summarizes it best:

“Donald Trump offers a proven record of accomplishment that benefits all Americans, particularly women. His policies create opportunities, protect freedoms, and foster unity—qualities that the country desperately needs.”

“In 2024, the choice is not just between two personalities; it’s a choice between promises and results, division and unity, government control and personal freedom.”

“For women who care about their futures, their families, and their opportunities, Donald Trump is the candidate who can truly deliver on the promises that matter most.”

If AI has the intelligence to conclude that, and given the facts presented here, I will ask again: “How can a woman even consider Kamala Harris as President of the United States”.

This is a page with all points that is being updated. It is fed by X, Instagram, Linkedin, and Truth. Forward the link to women in the US and everyone else you think should see it.


Arthur Rosenfield

Strategic, Financial, and Business Development Group

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[email protected]

Founder of a Chamber of Commerce in New York City

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